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Human Resources – The Storied Way

Within an organisation, a story is a potent tool in the hands of any department. Whether it is Leadership, Marketing, Sales or Communications.

A story can fit into any corner, any cubicle, in every office. But the one department that it should make its permanent home is the Human Resources team. After all, humans are the most valuable resource that organisations want. Whether it is about handling dynamic teams, intergenerational workforce, managing remote teams, sailing through difficult times, hiring, training and engaging a workforce, there is a lot to consider.

At Your Story Bag, we have worked with clients to use stories & storytelling for varied interventions in organisations:

a) Learning & Development
b) Employee Engagement
c) Onboarding

Each of these have been facilitated by progressive HR teams in organisations like Accor, TCNS, Andaz, Global Logic, Tokopedia, Godrej Properties & others. 

Here is a friendly resource for all HR Professionals. Let’s look at HR in a new way, The Storied Way. 

Talent Recruitment

Finding the right talent is more than just matching resumes to job descriptions. It’s about finding the ‘missing character’ in your organization’s story. During interviews, instead of the usual Q&A format, try sharing a story about a typical day at work or potential growth opportunities within your organization. This not only provides candidates with a clearer picture of what to expect but also humanizes the recruitment process.

Moreover, ask candidates to share their own stories. This approach can reveal their values, experiences, and potential cultural fit in a more profound way than traditional questions.

Employee Relations

Building genuine relationships within the workforce is a continuous process. Stories are a powerful medium to create authentic connections and foster a transparent culture. Sharing stories about organizational values, successes, and even challenges can help build trust and a sense of community. Encourage employees to share their stories as well, creating a two-way dialogue that strengthens relationships and builds a cohesive team.

Employee Experience

The onboarding process is the perfect stage to tell your organizational story. Share the vision, mission, and values through compelling narratives that new hires can relate to. Recognize and acknowledge the personal stories of new employees, giving them a platform to be heard and seen. Use storytelling during town halls, offsites, and regular events to build a positive and collaborative culture. If you are an organisation looking to rephrase its Employee Onboarding Experience, write to us!

Learning & Development

Human beings are naturally wired to learn from stories. Unlike dry, factual content, stories stick and make the learning experience more memorable and engaging. Infuse your Learning & Development material with illustrative, descriptive, and experiential stories. This approach can make complex information more digestible and relatable, ensuring that employees retain and apply what they learn.

Compensation & Benefits

Your employees have their own stories of needs, wants, insecurities, and assurances. Conveying the benefits of your organization through appropriate stories can build trust and transparency. For example, sharing a story about how a particular benefit helped an employee in a challenging time can make the information more relatable and impactful.

Storytelling is a multifaceted tool that can transform various aspects of HR. From recruitment to employee relations, and from onboarding to learning and development, stories have the power to connect, engage, and inspire. By integrating storytelling into your HR practices, you can create a more human-centered and effective workplace.

For more insights on how to leverage storytelling in HR, book a Discovery Call with Rituparna Ghosh.

Related Reading ||  Stories to Tell in An Interview

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