Story Heirlooms: Gather, Preserve and Honour Family Stories

A guide to gathering and passing down the rich stories of your family.

Do you ever wish you knew more about your grandparents’ lives?

Their dreams, their struggles, their adventures?

If in the end, we all become stories, what heirlooms are we passing on?

Come, reimagine your family memories, legends & legacies as Story Heirlooms.

Story Heirlooms is a Storytelling Guide to help you gather personal narratives, so you can pass them on to future generations. Inside you will find tips and resources to document life stories from your parents and grandparents.

“Story Heirlooms: Gather, Preserve and Honour Family Stories” is your ultimate resource to uncover and document these precious stories before they fade away.

About the Book

“Story Heirlooms” is a heart-crafted Storytelling Guide designed to help you gather and preserve the life stories of your parents and grandparents.

It offers a set of 100 theme-based story prompts and a detailed manual to guide you through the process of collecting, recording, and celebrating these invaluable family memories.

Story Gathering is a long and laborious journey. This books offers some insights, inspirations and ideas to sustain and enjoy this journey. Along this journey,  find fellow story gatherers and a community to celebrate and honour your family stories with.

While much of the book will help one document stories from the living, we have a special section for those who have lost family members. Story Heirlooms will give you an opportunity to gather your family together, recount the memories, retrace the journey and stitch the narrative for those who have passed away.

What You'll Find Inside

100 Theme-Based Story Prompts

Spark conversations and uncover hidden stories with our heart-crafted story prompts. Whether it’s about childhood memories, life-changing events, or simple day-to-day moments, these prompts will help you dive deep into your family’s history.

Storytelling Guide

Learn how to approach your storytelling journey with our comprehensive manual. From setting up interviews to recording and preserving stories, we provide you with all the tips and techniques you need to ensure your family’s stories are documented accurately and lovingly.

Story Gathering to Storytelling

Ideas and suggestions to turn these personal narratives into family archives.

Join our community of YSB Story Chroniclers who gather, preserve & honour family stories. Get access to workshops, additional content & story circles.

Why "Story Heirlooms" is a Must-Have

Preserve Your Legacy

Capture the essence of your family’s history and ensure that it is passed down to future generations.

Strengthen Family Bonds

Engage with your loved ones in meaningful conversations that deepen your connections and understanding of each other.

Create a Treasure Trove of Memories

Build a collection of stories that your family will cherish for years to come.

Starting 11th June 2024, you can read a LIMITED FREE PREVIEW COPY of Story Heirlooms.

Order Story Heirlooms till 30th June 2024 and you can read it till 31st August 2024.

The book will undergo edits, additions and modifications based on your feedback & experience of using this book.

As promised, if you book before 30th June, you will get the final copy FREE!


About the Author

Rituparna Ghosh

Founder, Your Story Bag

Rituparna Ghosh began her career as a story gatherer. Her work in television helped her connect to the power of personal narratives. This e-book is a tribute to her father, Mr Jyotirmoy Ghosh. An excellent storyteller himself, he raised Rituparna on a stream of family stories. Rituparna recollects sitting with her father and documenting his stories. After his passing in March 2024, listening to him recount his stories in his voice gave a lot of comfort to her and the family. With this e-book, Rituparna hopes to share the warmth & strength of family stories to anyone who needs it.

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Story Heirlooms

If you look at time as a sieve, you will realise that many stories slip through the gaps in our memories.

With every generation, the stories passing through sieve get thinner & weaker. As a result, only a few stories survive. They may change shape and form, but they live to be remembered.

Some others stories are entirely forgotten.

Let’s gather our precious Story Heirlooms before they are lost forever.